Own your Intuitive Intelligence: A Primer (3 hour workshop)


Just imagine how differently life would flow if you could clearly hear the wise counsel your inner voice is dying to share with you. The wisest part of our being is always trying to communicate with us – and yet so often we tune it out. Always remember that your intuition is your inner compass – it will never lead you astray.

In this workshop you’ll learn how to hone your intuitive gifts so you can make the best decisions about life, home, career, love and the other important areas of your life. It’s always a fun and insightful session – you may walk in doubting your skills, but by the time you leave, you’ll shift your beliefs as you witness your own intuitive abilities in action.

In this workshop you’ll experience:

  • A healing meditation
  • A life-changing exercise to tune in to your wise, knowing self
  • Hands-on practice with other participants
  • Individual attention
  • Group sharing

Make it even more enjoyable by grabbing a friend or two – or pull together your own group of friends, family or co-workers for a private group session.  Maximum size: 20 people.

Fee: 90 CHF/person

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“Our 3 hour session has changed my life.  I didn’t think I was ready for any new ideas or changes back then, however...that one meeting has put my career and self esteem on a whole new path!” -- Andrea, Toronto, Canada

January 1, 2014