Introducing Intuitive Intelligence The Meditation CD 

learn to go in, to relax, to go quiet, balance your body & use your own GPS within.

Learn How to Deal With Stressful Contributors In Your Life:  The Answer Is Closer Than You Think?

Hi, it's Laura Heselton, International medium and intuitive coach. All of us have very stressful lives these days. We're multi-tasking, there's lots of things happening in the market, relationships have shifted and changes with responsibility.

All of us are losing loved ones, at different times in our lives... maybe you've incurred a few moves, like I know I have, and those and critical illness and maybe you had like a chronic illness or something that's plagued you for a while.

We all know that when we get stressed, our immune systems are definitely being challenged

Those are very stressful contributors to our lives. And we all know that when we get stressed, our immune systems are definitely being challenged. So, about thirteen years ago, I was told about meditation and I did it actually for a totally different reason than those physiological benefits.

I did it because I was told that if I learned to meditate and if I did it ten minutes every day, that I would develop my intuition and I'd be able to go in and listen to that wise voice that knows how to filter out all the busy mind chatter of our days and to learn to go quiet and to be on more of a receptive, mindful, state of mind so that I could listen to my intuition and use it on demand.

So that was my motivation for meditating in the beginning and I can't say that isn't my reason right now for really wanting to share that with you.

Meditation Is Part Mental Activity With a Host Of Physiological Benefits

I found it really worked for me and you get all these other physiological benefits from it that I really wanted to share the method of how I learned to go in, to relax, to go quiet, to balance my body, and then to go to a place where I knew I could return all the time whenever it was you know, an opportunity to use it, you know whether… we've all lost things or misplaced things and you know we're in a bit of a hurry and we need to find them.

Well I found that those are like the perfect times to be able to use this tool and when you learn to meditate, when you learn to go there, and go to that quiet voice, and know and to learn how to recognize it and use it, then it's really helpful.

​"I created this incredible meditation CD, four tracks, it's called 'Intuitive Intelligence' "

Who doesn't need to use that kind of tool? It's built in us, it's our own GPS, our own inner wisdom. So in order to share that with you, help you develop yours, I created this incredible meditation CD, four tracks, it's called 'Intuitive Intelligence' and it gradually, through tracks one through four, takes you through all the stages of development that I went through to really find who am I.

Intuitive Intelligence: A Personal Meditation Tool

And I really hope you enjoy it, I think you'll... not only will you get all these physiological benefits but your intuition, I guarantee, use it every day, even if it's just for ten to fifteen minutes, every day for a year and a hundred percent I guarantee that your intuition will go through the roof!

So have fun with it, how can you not enjoy relaxing for ten, fifteen minutes every morning? So take care and have fun with this NEW Personal Meditation Tool!

Here it is: Intuitive Intelligence

  1. Tap into Your Intuitive Intelligence
  2. Release Serotonin, The Happy Hormone
  3. Strive Towards ’Nirvana'
  4. Lower Your Blood Pressure
  5. Encourage Hyper-creativity

Pick-up Your Own Copy Of Intuitive Intelligence

I created this incredible meditation CD, four tracks,'Intuitive Intelligence’ which it gradually takes you through all the stages of development that I went through to really find who am I. I really hope you enjoy your NEW personal Meditation Tool.

Laura Heselton
Creator of Intuitive Intelligence

About the Creator

Every day through our decisions, actions and most importantly our beliefs, we create our lives. As a lifelong seeker of spiritual and global adventure, I’ve been blessed to have one of my life’s dreams manifested – to travel and experience the world in the personal, professional, and spiritual realms. Over the past 20 years, I’ve lived, worked, and studied in many different cities in Canada, Switzerland, the U.S., France, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the Czech Republic.

During my travels through these countries, I trained with some of the most gifted intuitive professionals to sharpen and deepen my intuitive gifts. I shared that knowledge as I travelled – delivering hundreds of workshops and personal sessions to help people gain clarity and direction in their lives.